Election Card

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Election Card, also known as the Voter ID card, is an essential document that serves as proof of a person's eligibility to vote in elections. The process of obtaining a Voter ID card, which is part of the broader e-governance initiatives in the country, involves several steps, and it offers several benefits to the public.

Election Card (Voter ID) Enrollment Process :
  1. Eligibility Check : To be eligible for a Voter ID card, an individual must be an Indian citizen, 18 years of age or older, and not disqualified from voting. Citizens can check their eligibility and register to vote online or at designated voter registration centers.
  2. Form Submission : Citizens need to fill out Form 6, which is the application for inclusion of their name in the electoral roll. This form can be submitted both online and offline.
  3. Verification of Information : The Election Commission verifies the information provided in the application. This may include address verification and checks for duplications in the voter list.
  4. Biometric Data and Photo Capture : In some cases, voter registration authorities may capture biometric data, such as fingerprints and photographs, to ensure the uniqueness of each voter's identity.
  5. Voter ID Card Issuance : Once the verification is successful, the eligible citizen is issued a Voter ID card, which contains their name, photograph, unique identification number, and polling station details.